The chop
Here at The Chop you’ll find “how to” articles, explorations of the history of axe making and the iconic companies who forged some of today’s most collectible axes, introductions to some of our partners and those using our axes, along with shop updates and random ruminations.

Axes & The Story Of Maine
We made a presentation to the Maine Society of Land Surveyors in January about the importance of the axe to the history of Maine and how they are still used...
ReadAxes & The Story Of Maine
We made a presentation to the Maine Society of Land Surveyors in January about the importance of the axe to the history of Maine and how they are still used...
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Tips On Hafting An Axe
We get a lot of requests for advice on how to put a new handle on an axe head. It is definitely a skill, but one that can be learned...
ReadTips On Hafting An Axe
We get a lot of requests for advice on how to put a new handle on an axe head. It is definitely a skill, but one that can be learned...
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What The Heck Is A Boy's Axe?
We call our Allagash Cruiser a "camp axe." But we frequently get folks adamantly saying, "it's really a boy's axe!" Well, they are right. But a "boy's axe" is not...
ReadWhat The Heck Is A Boy's Axe?
We call our Allagash Cruiser a "camp axe." But we frequently get folks adamantly saying, "it's really a boy's axe!" Well, they are right. But a "boy's axe" is not...
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5 Things To Look For In A Quality Axe
We are frequently asked what makes a Brant & Cochran axe so much better than one you buy at a big box hardware store. Is the extra money worth it? Of...
Read5 Things To Look For In A Quality Axe
We are frequently asked what makes a Brant & Cochran axe so much better than one you buy at a big box hardware store. Is the extra money worth it? Of...
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3 Easy Tips To Keep Your Axe Wicked Sharp!
It isn't hard to keep your axe wicked sharp and ready for work. Here are three simple rules to follow to make sure your axe is in tip top shape!
Read3 Easy Tips To Keep Your Axe Wicked Sharp!
It isn't hard to keep your axe wicked sharp and ready for work. Here are three simple rules to follow to make sure your axe is in tip top shape!
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Restoring Vintage Axes: 8 Steps to Breathing Ne...
Vintage axes possess a unique charm and craftsmanship that modern tools often lack. If you've stumbled upon a handcrafted axe hidden away in an old shed or inherited one from...
ReadRestoring Vintage Axes: 8 Steps to Breathing Ne...
Vintage axes possess a unique charm and craftsmanship that modern tools often lack. If you've stumbled upon a handcrafted axe hidden away in an old shed or inherited one from...
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Get a Handle on It: Everything You Need to Know...
Many of you have heard our griping about finding proper axe handles to hang on our axes. Given the amount of time we spend wailing and gnashing our teeth about...
ReadGet a Handle on It: Everything You Need to Know...
Many of you have heard our griping about finding proper axe handles to hang on our axes. Given the amount of time we spend wailing and gnashing our teeth about...
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Secrets of the Emerson & Stevens Company - Part 2
Tucked away in the Oakland Public Library are numerous treasures which shed light on that city's extensive axe making past. One such find is a letter dated April 20, 1965...
ReadSecrets of the Emerson & Stevens Company - Part 2
Tucked away in the Oakland Public Library are numerous treasures which shed light on that city's extensive axe making past. One such find is a letter dated April 20, 1965...
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3 Important Reasons Why Your Axe Handle Matters
While an axe handle may not seem like a big deal, it can mean the difference between a job well done and a task unfinished. An axe handle must be...
Read3 Important Reasons Why Your Axe Handle Matters
While an axe handle may not seem like a big deal, it can mean the difference between a job well done and a task unfinished. An axe handle must be...
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Into The Wild - Bushcrafter Jacques Turcotte on...
We are thankful for all the feedback we get from people using our axes. But recently we heard from one person about using our Allagash Cruiser while a contestant in...
ReadInto The Wild - Bushcrafter Jacques Turcotte on...
We are thankful for all the feedback we get from people using our axes. But recently we heard from one person about using our Allagash Cruiser while a contestant in...
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Secrets of the Emerson & Stevens Company
Old black & white pictures, moldy leather-bound ledgers, thousands of jumbled penny postcards, carbon copies of letters (remember carbon paper?), and invoices are among the artifacts that we reviewed at...
ReadSecrets of the Emerson & Stevens Company
Old black & white pictures, moldy leather-bound ledgers, thousands of jumbled penny postcards, carbon copies of letters (remember carbon paper?), and invoices are among the artifacts that we reviewed at...
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5 Tips for Using Your Axe Safely
Using an axe may seem like a straightforward task, but always remember that safety should be your top priority. After all, axes are powerful tools that can cause severe injuries...
Read5 Tips for Using Your Axe Safely
Using an axe may seem like a straightforward task, but always remember that safety should be your top priority. After all, axes are powerful tools that can cause severe injuries...
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Axe Patterns: Explore the Popular Axe Styles & ...
For each type of axe there are a wide variety of styles or patterns. Many axe patterns are named for where they were made or predominantly used like the Michigan,...
ReadAxe Patterns: Explore the Popular Axe Styles & ...
For each type of axe there are a wide variety of styles or patterns. Many axe patterns are named for where they were made or predominantly used like the Michigan,...
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Types of Axes: Single Bit, Double Bit, Cruisers...
There are three basic types of axes: single bit, double bit, and smaller axes referred to as “boy’s axes,” "camp axes, or “cruisers." Single Bit Axes The single bit axe...
ReadTypes of Axes: Single Bit, Double Bit, Cruisers...
There are three basic types of axes: single bit, double bit, and smaller axes referred to as “boy’s axes,” "camp axes, or “cruisers." Single Bit Axes The single bit axe...
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When is an Axe Beyond Restoration?
We have seen all manner of axes come through our shop that people sought us to restore to useful life. Some could be. Others went right to the scrap pile....
ReadWhen is an Axe Beyond Restoration?
We have seen all manner of axes come through our shop that people sought us to restore to useful life. Some could be. Others went right to the scrap pile....
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Axe Sharpening
A sharp axe is a safe axe. Dull axes not only make your work harder they can glance off the wood and cause serious injury. Tools needed to sharpen an...
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A sharp axe is a safe axe. Dull axes not only make your work harder they can glance off the wood and cause serious injury. Tools needed to sharpen an...
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The Anatomy of an Axe: Unraveling the Secrets o...
The axe is an iconic and enduring symbol of human ingenuity, with its roots dating back thousands of years. This versatile tool has been indispensable to our ancestors, playing a...
ReadThe Anatomy of an Axe: Unraveling the Secrets o...
The axe is an iconic and enduring symbol of human ingenuity, with its roots dating back thousands of years. This versatile tool has been indispensable to our ancestors, playing a...
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Hail To The Chief: Some "Presidential" Axes
As we are approaching President's Day here in 2023, it seems appropriate to focus on some "Presidential" axes. One nickname given to our 16th President, Abe Lincoln, was "Old Railsplitter."...
ReadHail To The Chief: Some "Presidential" Axes
As we are approaching President's Day here in 2023, it seems appropriate to focus on some "Presidential" axes. One nickname given to our 16th President, Abe Lincoln, was "Old Railsplitter."...
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Partner Spotlight - Matt Theriault & The Holler...
Many of you have commented on the craftsmanship of the custom leather sheaths that protect our Allagash Cruiser, Dirigo Belt Axe and Forester's Friend. These are all made by our...
ReadPartner Spotlight - Matt Theriault & The Holler...
Many of you have commented on the craftsmanship of the custom leather sheaths that protect our Allagash Cruiser, Dirigo Belt Axe and Forester's Friend. These are all made by our...
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March '22 Update: Netflix, Expansion Plans & Ou...
It feels spring-ish, right? COVID seems to be getting behind us, days are getting longer, and we are starting to plan for summer. It's all about hope folks. We have...
ReadMarch '22 Update: Netflix, Expansion Plans & Ou...
It feels spring-ish, right? COVID seems to be getting behind us, days are getting longer, and we are starting to plan for summer. It's all about hope folks. We have...
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Spring '21 Update: New Machines, Hours & Makers...
Thanks to everyone who ordered an Allagash Cruiser or Dirigo Belt Axe and has been so patient waiting for us to get them into your hands. We appreciate your trust...
ReadSpring '21 Update: New Machines, Hours & Makers...
Thanks to everyone who ordered an Allagash Cruiser or Dirigo Belt Axe and has been so patient waiting for us to get them into your hands. We appreciate your trust...
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The Story of B&C: Year 3 - 2017
In which we move our shop to South Portland, rely upon the kindness of strangers to crowd fund a hydraulic press purchase, get a taste of media coverage, and forge...
ReadThe Story of B&C: Year 3 - 2017
In which we move our shop to South Portland, rely upon the kindness of strangers to crowd fund a hydraulic press purchase, get a taste of media coverage, and forge...
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The Story of B&C: Year 2 - 2016
In which we run a focus group to see if we are crazy to start an axe company, launch an on-line store, sell our first restored axe, take our show on...
ReadThe Story of B&C: Year 2 - 2016
In which we run a focus group to see if we are crazy to start an axe company, launch an on-line store, sell our first restored axe, take our show on...
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In which we learn that the path to making our own axe starts with restoring vintage axes, find that the Maine maker community is extremely generous with their time, expertise...
ReadThe Story of B&C: Year 1 - 2015
In which we learn that the path to making our own axe starts with restoring vintage axes, find that the Maine maker community is extremely generous with their time, expertise...
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Axes? Why Axes?
A December, 2019 article in the New York Times, Our Lives In the Time of Extremely Fancy Axes, by Alexandra Marvar asks some of the questions that we get all...
ReadAxes? Why Axes?
A December, 2019 article in the New York Times, Our Lives In the Time of Extremely Fancy Axes, by Alexandra Marvar asks some of the questions that we get all...
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T.R.'s Axe: The Story of John King and the "Pr...
At our last open shop event our friend Howard Hardy traveled down from Oakland with one of his more unique Maine antiques: a “President’s Axe.” In August, 1902, President...
ReadT.R.'s Axe: The Story of John King and the "Pr...
At our last open shop event our friend Howard Hardy traveled down from Oakland with one of his more unique Maine antiques: a “President’s Axe.” In August, 1902, President...
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Focus On Friends -- The Patten Lumbermen's Museum
If you follow our comings and goings at Brant & Cochran, you may have seen pictures of us up at the Patten Lumbermen’s Museum every May and August. We love...
ReadFocus On Friends -- The Patten Lumbermen's Museum
If you follow our comings and goings at Brant & Cochran, you may have seen pictures of us up at the Patten Lumbermen’s Museum every May and August. We love...
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"Axe On!" -- Axe Throwing Gains In Popularity ...
Watching the evening news, reading the paper, or surfing the internet you may have seen at least one story on a new trend in recreational sport – axe throwing. And...
Read"Axe On!" -- Axe Throwing Gains In Popularity ...
Watching the evening news, reading the paper, or surfing the internet you may have seen at least one story on a new trend in recreational sport – axe throwing. And...
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"Be Just And Fear Not" The Maine Charitable Me...
You may know that Brant & Cochran is a member of the Maine Charitable Mechanic Association (MCMA). You might say – those guys aren’t mechanics. They just make axes. You...
Read"Be Just And Fear Not" The Maine Charitable Me...
You may know that Brant & Cochran is a member of the Maine Charitable Mechanic Association (MCMA). You might say – those guys aren’t mechanics. They just make axes. You...
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Labelled With Love - The Beauty of Vintage Axe ...
One of the fun things to show folks coming to our shop is our collection of vintage axe labels. Like labels adorning old vegetable crates (think "Mr. Asparagus") the creativity,...
ReadLabelled With Love - The Beauty of Vintage Axe ...
One of the fun things to show folks coming to our shop is our collection of vintage axe labels. Like labels adorning old vegetable crates (think "Mr. Asparagus") the creativity,...
Continue ReadingTo Restore Or Not To Restore - That is the Ques...
When we do events and show off axes that we have restored we invariably get a few questions about how we decide which axes are worthy of restoration. Many folks...
ReadTo Restore Or Not To Restore - That is the Ques...
When we do events and show off axes that we have restored we invariably get a few questions about how we decide which axes are worthy of restoration. Many folks...
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Development of the American Axe - Part 2 - The ...
When we went on canoe trips in Minnesota's Boundary Waters one of the things our outfitter (Sawbill Canoe Outfitters) put into our packs was a Hudson's Bay axe. This axe...
ReadDevelopment of the American Axe - Part 2 - The ...
When we went on canoe trips in Minnesota's Boundary Waters one of the things our outfitter (Sawbill Canoe Outfitters) put into our packs was a Hudson's Bay axe. This axe...
Continue ReadingPeter McLaren - America's Champion Chopper
A good case can be made that Australian Peter McLaren (1882-1953) is the father of axe competitions in the United States. He was also a celebrity spokesman for Plumb axes...
ReadPeter McLaren - America's Champion Chopper
A good case can be made that Australian Peter McLaren (1882-1953) is the father of axe competitions in the United States. He was also a celebrity spokesman for Plumb axes...
Continue ReadingDevelopment of the American Axe - Part 1
The Biscayne Axe When John Smith landed at Jamestown in 1607 he found Indians with axes – iron axes. Say what? Since the Native Americans did not make iron tools...
ReadDevelopment of the American Axe - Part 1
The Biscayne Axe When John Smith landed at Jamestown in 1607 he found Indians with axes – iron axes. Say what? Since the Native Americans did not make iron tools...
Continue Reading“True Temper” – Hardening and Tempering Axe Steel
We know that “tempering” is an important stage in axe making. It must be important for one brand to be called “True Temper,” companies like Emerson & Stevens to emboss...
Read“True Temper” – Hardening and Tempering Axe Steel
We know that “tempering” is an important stage in axe making. It must be important for one brand to be called “True Temper,” companies like Emerson & Stevens to emboss...
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The Story of Lemuel Cotton and the "Ebonoak Han...
Following the trend of our last blog posts on axe handles we thought we would share the story of Hiram, Maine’s Lemuel Cotton and his “Ebonoake” handles. It is a...
ReadThe Story of Lemuel Cotton and the "Ebonoak Han...
Following the trend of our last blog posts on axe handles we thought we would share the story of Hiram, Maine’s Lemuel Cotton and his “Ebonoake” handles. It is a...
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Exclusive! Color Photos of the Emerson & Steven...
At this point we are all familiar with Peter Vogt’s iconic 1965 film “Pioneer Axe” depicting work inside Oakland’s Emerson & Stevens company. In our research at the Oakland Public...
ReadExclusive! Color Photos of the Emerson & Steven...
At this point we are all familiar with Peter Vogt’s iconic 1965 film “Pioneer Axe” depicting work inside Oakland’s Emerson & Stevens company. In our research at the Oakland Public...
Continue Reading"All In The Family" - The Spiller Axe Company o...
When Mark Spiller moved to Maine from New Brunswick in 1890 he was already an accomplished axe maker who hailed from a family who had been making edge tools since...
Read"All In The Family" - The Spiller Axe Company o...
When Mark Spiller moved to Maine from New Brunswick in 1890 he was already an accomplished axe maker who hailed from a family who had been making edge tools since...
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"Turn, Turn, Turn" - The Ober Duplicating Handl...
Making an axe handle seems simple enough. Take a piece of wood, cut a pattern, and carve it into shape. Easy. Well, not quite. In the late 1800’s, edge...
Read"Turn, Turn, Turn" - The Ober Duplicating Handl...
Making an axe handle seems simple enough. Take a piece of wood, cut a pattern, and carve it into shape. Easy. Well, not quite. In the late 1800’s, edge...
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The Legacy of the Collins Company
In mid-July we visited the remains of the Collins Company in Collinsville, Connecticut. In the late 1800’s, the Collins Company was the largest integrated axe manufacturer in the world. Founder...
ReadThe Legacy of the Collins Company
In mid-July we visited the remains of the Collins Company in Collinsville, Connecticut. In the late 1800’s, the Collins Company was the largest integrated axe manufacturer in the world. Founder...
Continue ReadingAxe Making in Oakland, Maine - Part 2
One of the best documents we have of axe making in the early 20th century is Peter Vogt’s 1965 film about the Emerson & Stevens shop in Oakland, Maine. Not...
ReadAxe Making in Oakland, Maine - Part 2
One of the best documents we have of axe making in the early 20th century is Peter Vogt’s 1965 film about the Emerson & Stevens shop in Oakland, Maine. Not...
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Saugus Iron Works
On my way back to the shop in Portland I stopped to visit the Saugus Iron Works National Historic Site in Saugus, Massachusetts just north of Boston. The axe...
ReadSaugus Iron Works
On my way back to the shop in Portland I stopped to visit the Saugus Iron Works National Historic Site in Saugus, Massachusetts just north of Boston. The axe...
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Axe Making in Oakland, Maine - Part 1
No discussion of axe manufacturing in Maine can take place without reviewing the important role of Oakland, Maine. This town of about 2,000 people in 1900 could boast of a...
ReadAxe Making in Oakland, Maine - Part 1
No discussion of axe manufacturing in Maine can take place without reviewing the important role of Oakland, Maine. This town of about 2,000 people in 1900 could boast of a...
Continue ReadingAxe Labels
One of the questions that we are frequently asked is “why doesn’t my axe have any maker’s mark or other manufacturer’s ID engraved into it?” The answer is simple. Many...
ReadAxe Labels
One of the questions that we are frequently asked is “why doesn’t my axe have any maker’s mark or other manufacturer’s ID engraved into it?” The answer is simple. Many...
Continue ReadingNick Rossi on Iron, Steel & Early American Axe ...
I traveled to bladesmith Nick Rossi’s Portland workshop recently to have him explain what metals were traditionally used in axe making in the United States from colonial times through the...
ReadNick Rossi on Iron, Steel & Early American Axe ...
I traveled to bladesmith Nick Rossi’s Portland workshop recently to have him explain what metals were traditionally used in axe making in the United States from colonial times through the...
Continue ReadingInterview with Forester Fred Safford about Crui...
I am sitting here with Fred Safford of Clear Lake Lumber in Spartansburg, PA. Fred you have “SAF” after your name on your business card. What does that mean? Fred...
ReadInterview with Forester Fred Safford about Crui...
I am sitting here with Fred Safford of Clear Lake Lumber in Spartansburg, PA. Fred you have “SAF” after your name on your business card. What does that mean? Fred...
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