Should You Restore Your Axe?
An old axe with proper care of will last several lifetimes. At Brant & Cochran, we’ve been honored to restore many unique vintage axes and bring old family heirlooms back to life. Along the way we have picked up a number of insights into which ones can be restored and which ones (unfortunately) need to go to the scrap bin.
Restoring an old axe and bringing it back to usable condition can be a time-consuming effort, but one that’s well worth it.
The first question we are always asked about restoring an axe is: “Should I? Is the axe too far gone to be fixed?” Well, we have an answer for that.
To Restore Or Not To Restore - That is The Question
After you decide you want to restore your axe (or want us to do it), what’s entailed in this work? Here’s how we do it:
Restoring Vintage Axes: 8 Steps to Breathing New Life Into Your Vintage Axe
If you need some tips on putting a handle on your axe, check out this short video we put together showing how to do it using readily available tools you probably already have in your shop:
And if you don’t want to restore your axe we can always do it for you. We offer extensive restoration services from simple sharpening to reprofiling an axe head that looks beyond repair.
If you would like to own a historic, vintage axe we also restore some unique ones that we find along the way. Check them out!