Hail the little brother of the Allagash Cruiser! The Dirigo Belt Axe is a Maine wedge pattern axe crafted using the same U.S. tool steel, hickory for its handle, and forged in the same manner as the Allagash Cruiser. It is just a little smaller with a 1.75 lb. axe head hung on a 17” handle.
Perfect to put in a backpack to use on the trail, split wood and kindling around the campfire, fire pit, wood stove or home hearth. The Dirigo Belt Axe may be a little smaller than the Allagash Cruiser but still packs a wallop!
Each Dirigo Belt Axe comes with a custom Maine-made leather sheath to keep you safe from its wicked sharp bit.
And now you can get your name or initials laser engraved on your Dirigo Belt Axe making it that much more of a family heirloom to pass down for generations!
The heart of the Dirigo Belt Axe lies in its iconic Maine wedge pattern axe head, weighing in at 1.75 lbs. Each axe head is individually forged to our exacting standards, heat treated to a Rockwell hardness of 56-58 and honed until it is “wicked sharp.”
Good things take time: Estimated delivery 10-12 weeks

Customer Review
This is the finest axe I have ever purchased. The quality of the craftsmanship is superb. The edge is extremely sharp. I never knew an axe can be so exciting. Thank you for your dedication to your craft. I will recommend your company to my friends and anyone else who is interested in purchasing a high quality axe.
- Manufacturer Brant & Cochran
- Pattern Maine wedge pattern
- Handle Type Hickory
- Handle Length 18"
- Weight in Pounds 1.75 lb.
- Axe Head 1050 Carbon Steel
- Rockwell Hardness 56-58